Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Most Disappointing Movies

I was going down our movie list to see some of Phil's grades. (I'm in class, I have the time, so lay off of the Shane's a loser jokes.) Anyway, what are some of the movies that have disappointed you?

The X-Men movies:
The first one was incredibly disappointing, though Jackman and McKellen were excellent as Wolverine and Magneto. But the storyline was meh. Just couldn't get in to it. I had little hopes, but when the second one was actually good, my interest was piqued again. But then the third one just horrid. Then the Wolverine movie, which had so much promise, was crap. Ugh. If they would have only followed the one in the comic books they would have been better off than fighting Ryan Reynolds on a giant concrete thing. DUMB. The New Class was OK, but I haven't watched The Wolverine yet.

Star Wars Episode I:
Holy shit. Not good.


The Dictator:
I actually turned this one off.

It was probably hard to make this a good series, but glad to see the movie industry was up to the task.


  1. Like most people, I've usually already seen reviews and heard others discuss a movie before seeing it myself. I won't digress into movies where the review disappointed me (I'm looking at you The Counselor and Iron Man 2), b/c that's an extremely long list. No, instead, I'll list a few movies that I should have loved on paper, but just didn't work for me.

    Idiocracy: I love Beavis & Butthead. I'm a fan of King of the Hill. I would probably consider Office Space the best depiction of the mundane I have ever seen. The idea was great. The idea was plausible. The cast was there. Yet, after about 30 minutes, I just couldn't do it. It was depressing. I didn't laugh once. I understood WHY it was supposed to be funny, but it just didn't connect with me. Mike Judge has not done himself any favors with me since then - Extraction is also pretty crappy.

    Primer: Great concept that I'm sure was built up too much for me. 77 minutes never felt so long.

    King Arthur: I irrationally love period piece war movies. Shit, I liked the original version of Alexander! (another good digression - movies that went from crap to amazing with a Director's Cut. Exhibit A: Kingdom of Heaven. Exhibit B: Alexander.) But this movie was just... dull. I think I just expected something different, but I didn't like how the Arthur legend was handled at all.

    Black Hawk Down: I've attempted to watch this movie three times and can never make it through. Again, it just doesn't click.

    1. Ugh, Primer. Too boring to try and figure out what's happening.

      The Director's Cut of Kingdom of Heaven is amazing.

    2. Kissel, I would actually love to make my pick one turn a double-feature of Kingdom of Heaven, then the director's cut, but I know it's probably impossible. I doubt the DC is streaming or rentable anywhere.

  2. I would argue that if Transformers had stuck to its roots, it would be at minimum a cult classic. Nothing in the first 20 years of Transformers pointed to sharp edges and 10,000 moving pieces per character.

  3. The immediate answer is Prometheus. Ridley Scott returning to what made him famous, great cast, huge budget, bonkers trailer. Sitting in the theater watching what should have been great fall apart with insane character choices and bad science/makeup was crushing. Michael Fassbender saves it with an amazing performance, but it's still one of the worst-written scripts I've ever seen. Then, Scott gives interviews tying Jesus into the plot, and it all gets even worse.

    1. You could really have just said "Anything Ridley Scott has made in the last 12 years." Hilarious that we have in some way called out THREE of his movies on here. Robin Hood was meh. Body of Lies is a movie I know I saw in theaters and cannot remember a single detail of it. I used to see anything Ridley Scott made... Now, we have officially broken up. It's very sad.
